Health Matters With Dr Hanna Robbins – Mens Health Month
November 8, 2021
Health Matters With Dr Nic Rushman – Mens Health Month
November 12, 2021Flu vaccine ‘DROP IN CLINICS’
We are keen to vaccinate any remaining patients who still wish to have their flu vaccine this year.
- You must be a long Lane surgery patient
- and you must fit the criteria for an NHS flu vaccine - see below.
We are holding ‘drop in clinics’ on the following days and times NEXT WEEK at Long Lane Surgery.
- Tuesday 9th Nov 6-8pm
- Wednesday 10th Nov 2-5pm
- Wednesday 10th Nov 6-8pm
- Thursday 11th Nov 6-8pm
- Saturday 13th Nov 8-12noon
Clinics will run whilst stock remains
The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS to people who:
- are 50 and over (including those who'll be 50 by 31 March 2022)
have certain health conditions such as:
- respiratory conditions, such as asthma (needing steroid inhaler or tablets), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema and bronchitis
- diabetes
- heart conditions, such as coronary heart disease or heart failure
- being very overweight – a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above
- chronic kidney disease
- liver disease, such as hepatitis
- neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy
- a learning disability
- problems with your spleen, for example, sickle cell disease, or if you have had your spleen removed
- a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or taking medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy
- are pregnant
- receive a carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
- live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
- frontline health or social care workers