Flu vaccine ‘DROP IN CLINICS’ – November 2021
November 8, 2021
Children In Need 2021
November 17, 2021Featured In: The Coalville Times, Friday, 12th November, 2021
Movember – Men’s Health Month: Prostate CancerFacts:
- Only men have a prostate gland
- It’s the size and shape of a walnut and grows bigger as you get older
- It sits underneath the bladder and surrounds the tube that carries urine
- Prostate cancer often grows slowly and may never cause any problems
- Some men have prostate cancer that is more likely to spread
- When prostate cancer spreads it may need treatment
Signs of prostate cancer often involve your waterworks:
- Needing to pass water often, especially at night
- Difficulty starting or stopping the flow
- Weak flow
- Feeling that your bladder hasn’t emptied
- Pain or burning when you pass water or with sex
- Blood in urine or semen
- Difficulty with erections
- Sometimes there are no signs
Some of these signs indicate a normal prostate growing with age – you do not neces- sarily have cancer. But if you do have any of the signs above, speak with your GP Surgery. They will ask you questions and may arrange tests:
- Blood tests (a PSA test)
- Examination of the prostate gland If your GP refers you to hospital:
- An MRI scan
- A biopsy where a tiny sample of prostate tis- sue is removed and sent to the lab What is the treatment?
- ‘Watchful waiting’ with close monitoring may be all that is needed
- An operation may be needed depending on the sort of cancer and your own health
- Radiotherapy
- Hormone treatment
Living With Prostate Cancer
Usually, prostate cancer is slow to change and often you can live with it for decades with- out any problems and without needing treat- ment. Sometimes though the cancer or the treatment can cause difficulties and you may need support – see the Prostate Cancer UK website or speak with your GP Surgery for more information.
Adapted from Movember: https://uk.movem- ber.com/mens-health/prostate-cancer
More information: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prostate-cancer/ https://prostatecanceruk.org/

Dr Nic Rushman
Senior GP at Long Lane Surgery