Salaried GP
February 23, 2022
HEALTH MATTERS: Ovarian cancer awareness month
March 4, 2022Featured In: The Coalville Times, Friday, 25th February, 2022
Eating Disorder Awareness
28th February marks the start of eating dis- orders awareness week.
What are eating disorders
- Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses
- They can affect anyone, no matter what age, gender, or background
- Eating disorders often start as a way of coping with tricky situations or difficult feelings
- An eating disorder is never the fault of the person suffering from it
- It is important to spot the signs of an eat- ing disorder
- Early treatment can increase the chance of full recovery
More people have come forward for help with eating disorders over the last two years. The stresses of covid, lockdowns and isolation may have been a trigger for some.
Some of the signs
- Missing meals
- Saying they have eaten earlier or will eat later
- Strict dieting
- Avoiding certain foods
- Avoiding eating with other people
- Hiding food
- Excessive exercising
- Disappearing quickly after eating
- Being stressed at mealtimes
- Losing a lot of weight
- Wearing baggy clothing to hide weight loss
- Being irritable
- Difficulty concentrating
- Anxiety
- Tiredness
- Being very focussed on weight and body shape
But someone suffering from an eating disorder might be a normal weight.
What is the treatment
Treatment is often a combination of:
- talking therapies
- involving the whole family
- self help
- support groups
- sometimes medication
What to do
If you, or someone you know, may be suffering from an eating disorder, book an appointment at your GP surgery as early as possible.
What if it's not treated
Eating disorders can cause serious health problems and can even be fatal. However, eat- ing disorders can be treated and a full recov- ery is possible.
More information
Beat is the eating disorder charity. They offer:
- free, confidential helplines
- information on the website
- online support groups
- information about local support Adult Helpline: 0808 801 0677 [email protected]. Youthline: 0808 801 0711 [email protected].

Dr Hanna Robbins
Senior GP at Long Lane Surgery