Patient Survey
June 5, 2022
HEALTH MATTERS: Men’s Health Week
June 22, 2022Featured In: The Coalville Times, Friday, 6th June, 2022
Itchy eyes, streaming nose, itchy mouth, can’t sleep. Sound familiar?
Hayfever is an unwelcome guest at this time of year and can take the shine off the early months of summer. Here’s what we can do:
- Put Vaseline around your nos- trils to trap pollen
- Wear wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen getting into your eyes
- Shower and change your clothes after you have been out- side to wash pollen off
- Stay indoors whenever possible
- Keep windows and doors shut as much as possible
- Vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth
- Cut grass or walk on grass
- Spend too much time outside
- Keep fresh flowers in the house
- Smoke or be around smoke – it makes your symptoms worse
- Dry clothes outside – they can catch pollen
Speak to your pharmacist if you have hay fever. They can give advice and suggest the best treatments, like eye drops, tablets or nasal sprays.
Did you know...
Your body ‘gets used’ to hayfever tablets and you may find they stop working after a while. If you switch to a different tablet you will probably find you get relief again, and after 2 to 3 months you will be able to go back to your old tablets. ‘Cycling’ hayfever tablets like this will usually get you through the whole season more comfortably.

Dr Hanna Robbins
Senior GP at Long Lane Surgery