Featured In: The Coalville Times, Friday, 14th October 2022
Stoptober is back!
MACMILLAN Cancer Support asks you to go alcohol-free for the month of October, to raise funds to help Macmillan Cancer Sup- port be there for people living with cancer. Your fundraising doesn’t just help others, it helps you too.
Let's do this
Thousands of people stop smoking each October, to:
● Breath easier
● Feel the energy boost
● Have more money to spend
Did you know
● If you can make it to 28 days smoke-free, you're 5 times more likely to quit for good!
What happens when you quit?
● After 20 minutes, your heart rate starts to re-turn to normal
● After 8 hours, your oxygen levels are rising
● After 3 days, your lungs relax, and breathing is easier
● After 2-12 weeks, your circulation is better, and more blood going to your heart and muscles means more energy
● After 3-9 months your lungs are working better, coughs, wheezes and breathing issues im- prove
● After 1 year your risk of heart attack is halved
● After 10 years your risk of death from lung cancer is halved
You can quit with willpower alone, but it’s easier to stop with the right help, try a combination that works for you:
Nicotine replacement
● From your pharmacy or supermarket Skin patches, gum, inhalators, tablets, nose spray, mouth spray
● Patches are slow release
● Inhalators, gum and spray work quickly - better for cravings. Use it for 8-12 weeks then gradually reduce Suitable for adults and children over 12 years Suitable for pregnant women
● ZybanA medication to help quit smoking Prescribed by your local NHS Stop Smoking service
● Vaping to quit - Vaping can help you gradually let go of the routines and rituals of smoking. This immediately reduces the health risks of smoking. Vaping is not harmless and is not recommended for non-smokers or young people. See the NHS website for tips on vaping to quit
● Contact your local Stop Smoking Service. You are three times more likely to quit with this help
Dr Hanna Robbins
Senior GP at Long Lane Surgery