HEALTH MATTERS: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
November 3, 2022
Movember – Men’s Health Month: Testicles
November 23, 2022Featured In: The Coalville Times, Friday, 11th November 2022
Movember – Men’s Health Month: Prostate Cancer
- The prostate gland sits in the base of your belly behind your bladder
- It’s the size of a walnut
- It’s like a doughnut around your urethra – the pipe that carries your wee to the outside world
- So if the prostate gets bigger, it can press on this tube
- This can cause havoc with your waterworks
So prostate problems can cause:
- Waking up at night to wee
- Having to dash to the loo
- Difficulty getting the stream to start or stop
- Passing blood
- Problems with erections
It is normal for the prostate gland to gradually get bigger, especially into your 60s and beyond, so a lot of men have these waterwork issues. It is always worth speaking with your GP about surgery, to rule out other causes, and because some- times medication helps.
So if these are often normal signs, how do we know when it could be something more serious, like prostate cancer? Some men have a higher risk:
- Men who are black
- Men who have a family history of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is often a slow grow- ing cancer that only needs to be monitored, but sometimes treatment is needed. So what do you need to do?
Go to your GP surgery or book an online consultation
Dr Nic Rushman
Senior GP at Long Lane Surgery