Carers Information

Please let us know if you are a Carer or have a Carer, we will add it to your records. We can use this information to help you get the most from using our surgery and it's helpful for our clinicians to know when treating you.

If you are a carer and would like support you can contact Voluntary Action South Leicestershire

The service aims to inform and support carers in all communities throughout Leicestershire, to improve carers’ quality of life, promote their health and well-being and to encourage them to make real choices about their lives.

The service includes:

  • A dedicated telephone advice line (calls charged at local rates) so carers can talk to experienced professionals in confidence about any aspect of being a carer
  • Carers’ support groups around the county
  • A telephone befriending service specifically for carers, a website full of news and information, a quarterly newsletter and an online directory of local services for carers.

If carers’ needs can’t be met through this service, then they have the right to an assessment which will determine eligibility for a carers personal budget which they could use in a number of ways, including respite provision.

A guide to Care Choices for adult care and support

Here is a guide to choosing and paying for adult care and support in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland. View Guide

The council has produced an Adult Care and Support Services Directory and guide to give you information about all the forms of care and support available in Leicester City, Rutland and Leicestershire. It goes from information about local voluntary and community groups for people who just need a bit of support to stay independent all the way through to residential care homes for those who need full time care. It explains how to get an assessment from social services, how the funding works and has comprehensive lists of the providers in each area.

For a free copy of this directory please see the website or contact them directly

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 305 2169.