New Patient Registration

If you live near to our practice, we are happy to accept you as a patient. Our practice area is quite large and encompasses several local Hamlets and Villages. We are lucky to receive great feedback from our patients.

There is some NHS paperwork to fill in to allow us to register you, so

  • please pop in to collect a Registration Pack
  • or you can download from the links below.

Once you've completed the paperwork send it back to us (drop it in to reception, put it in our letterbox or scan and email) and we'll get you registered.

It's pretty straightforward! Any problems just ask out Reception team who will be happy to help.

Important: If you are on regular medication, we will need to know as soon as possible to check them and make sure they can continue to be prescribed without a break. Sometimes we may want to talk to you to see if we can improve the medication that you are on. New evidence is always emerging about medication and we see this is a continual process to ensure you are on the best possible combinations.

Registration form:

Please fill out all parts of the registration pack once you have downloaded it. We may not be able to register you if you haven't completed all relevant parts.

  1. Download and complete the NHS PRF1 form here

Once this form has been completed for each patient, they can be emailed to: [email protected]

Temporary Residents

You can register as a temporary resident if you plan to stay near us for up to 3 months.

Under the NHS rules:
  1. After 3 months you will have to apply to register as a permanent resident using the adult/child registration process as above.
  2. You can register with the practice temporarily while away from home for work, study or a holiday. You'll remain registered with your permanent GP surgery.

We will pass all details of any treatment you have with us to your permanent GP surgery. They can then add the information to your medical records. If you wish to register as a temporary resident, please download and complete this form here which you can fill in and email back to us. xxxxxxx

It is really helpful for us if you have the following information with you when you see us as a temporary patient for the first time:

  • details of any medical conditions you have
  • details of any medical conditions you've had in the past
  • the name of any medicines you're currently taking
  • details of anything you're allergic to
  • contact details for your permanent or previous GP surgery
  • your NHS number

Your base GP Practice will often be able to email you a summary of the above.

Welcome Aboard!