Vasectomy Services
A very warm welcome to the Long Lane Vasectomy Service.
We are a GP Practice in Leicestershire that have specialised in vasectomy surgery for over the last 16 years. In order to make sure you are happy about having a vasectomy, we have put the information below together and we will also back this up with a counselling appointment which can be either done face to face or over the telephone if you prefer.
It matters that you have enough information to make the right decision for you. Please do not feel pushed or rushed into having the vasectomy, we are very happy if on reflection you decide not to go ahead.
If you have any questions, please feel free at any point to ask.

Things To Consider About Vasectomies
Before having a vasectomy, there are lots of important thing to consider, which we will discuss with you at your counselling appointment.
Irreversibility of operation
Loss of Child - Even if one of your children were to pass away, would you want another child?
Loss of partner or Marriage Breakdown - If you started a new relationship would you want another child
Female sterilisation - Failure rate is higher, but it is thought to be more reversible
Tests for sterility
At least one specimen will be required post operatively. We have had 4 patients that have had to come back for a re-operation. Sometimes the downstream sperm require more ejaculations to clear them completely so we may need to test you again. It is therefore essential to send in specimens and use other methods of contraception until receipt of the letter from us stating that the operation has been completely successful
Disadvantages of Vasectomy
- Occasionally you can get some post-operative bleeding or infection. Please contact us if you are worried.
- Long term pain – it is rare but an accepted complication of vasectomy. Thus far we have not had any cases at this clinic.
Vasectomy FAQ's
Here you will find lots of information about vasectomies, the procedure, what happens after and the answers to the most common questions we are asked.
- As with any operation or cut to the skin, there is a small risk of a wound infection.
- The bruising around the operation site is sometimes quite marked, but will go in a week or so.
- Rarely, sperm may leak into the scrotum and form a swelling which may need treatment.
- A small number of men have a dull ache in the scrotum for a few months after the operation. This usually settles over time.
- There is a small risk (less than 1 in every 100 men) that the operation is not successful and needs to be done again.
You MUST bring someone with you on the day of the procedure that can assist you should it be required and to drive you home. Sometimes you can feel a bit faint post operatively. A few days before you need to shave your scrotum (ball sack) and all around the base of penis. Ideally have a light meal on the day of the operation. Bring a TIGHT fitting pair of underpants / jock strap to support your testicles afterwards. This will help to keep you as comfortable as possible.
Further information
Your GP and practice nurse are good sources of information. However if you have any queries. The FPA (formerly the family planning association) also provide information and advice. FPA's helpline: 0845 310 1334 or visit their website: