Where to find help

A lot of issues don't require an appointment with your GP and you can find more appropriate support elsewhere. Below are some useful links to help you with a variety of different concerns and conditions.


There are lots of different treatments, therapies and support available to help manage Parkinsons. You can find out more at www.parkinsons.org.uk

Multiple sclerosis (MS)
To find out more about the support available for sufferers of Multiple sclerosis (MS), please visit www.mssociety.org.uk

To find out more about Strokes and the support available, visit the Stroke Association www.stroke.org.uk

Worried about a relative?

If you're worried about a relative, young or old, here are some useful links for you to help them find the right support and advice.

Social Services - 0116 305 0004

NSPCC Visit NSPCC website

Childline - Visit Childline website

Dementia UK - Visit Dementia UK website

Age UK - Visit Age UK website

Mental Health Issues

Patient Self-referral to Counselling (IAPT) services - 0115 876 0157

Patient Self-referral to Emergency Mental Health Team - 0116 295 3060

Other online support available

Mind, For Better Mental Health - www.mind.org.uk

HeadSpace, Be Kind To Your Mind - www.headspace.com/

Good Thinking www.good-thinking.uk

Breathing Problems

If you suffer with breathing problems such as Asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), you can find information on how to effectively manage your condition

Support for COPD www.blf.org.uk

Support for Asthma www.asthma.org.uk

Heart Problems

The links below will provide you with information about types of heart conditions, how to effectively mange your conditions, the support available and when you might need to seek medical help



Joint and muscular pain

If you're struggling with joint and muscular pain the information below will help you find the right advice and treatments.

Patient Coalville Self-referral line for Physiotherapy - 03003000046

Versus Arthritis - www.versusarthritis.org

Arthritis Research - Patient Information Booklets

Coalville Community Hospital

If you need to book in for an Xray or Ultrasound scan: 01530 467443 - please leave at least 24 hours between your GP ordering the test and phoning to book to make sure the request has arrived at the Xray department.

Find out more about Coalville Community Hospital

If you can't find help above or need to talk to a member of the clinical team then please phone us on 01530 445945